A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


General Disclaimer

A word of caution…

Investments and trading in securities carry inherent risks that rest solely with the investor, speculator or trader. I, Gaurav A Parikh, shall, therefore, not be responsible in any way for actions based on the contents on my blog.

Jeena Scriptech Alpha Advisors Pvt Ltd, its directors, including me, immediate family and other relatives, clients, associates and employees may have an interest in scrips covered on the blog.

Blog posts are not recommendations & readers,if they do,would be acting on their own counsel though it is strongly advised that they seek professional counsel  

A further word of caution…

Comments and Opinions that may form part of the blog are mine and I , Gaurav A Parikh, do not intent in anyway to offend or defame any person, company, entity, group, organisation or country.They are without malice, prejudice or bias and should be construed in the healthy spirit of constructive criticism and debate in a democratic and civilised society that we, in India, live in.

Despite all responses to my blogs going through an approval process before they are published on the blog, I, Gaurav A Parikh, do not hold any responsibility for the contents therein and may or may not concur with the views, advice and comments expressed in these responses. The approval filter is necessary to prevent any abuse or misuse of my Blog that would hinder my prime objective of presenting my knowledge, interpretation, viewpoint on Capital Market Issues and spreading and creating Investor Awareness on them to inspire Investors to think and act on their conviction.

I strongly recommend that the reader or viewer of my blog seek a second or even further opinion before he or she decides to act on any advice or comment on any of my blogs or it’s responses that has inspired them to act

There is always the risk that I may hold an irrational, contrarion and even incorrect view and my interpretation may hold a bias that may have clouded my objectivity.

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