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General Motors

Dow should Dive below 8000 today as Auto Bail-Out Plan fails to pass Senate

Bankruptcy is not an Option for General Motors….but there seems no other Option…..last Night the Senate  failed to clear the Bail-out plan for Emergency Aid of  US $ 14 billion to the three Auto Majors in USA….General Motors,Chrysler and Ford Dow closed at 8565 yesterday and is likely to dive below 8000 today….General Motors closed at US …

Dow should Dive below 8000 today as Auto Bail-Out Plan fails to pass Senate Read More »

US Auto Giant, General Motors, begins screaming Mayday ! Mayday ! Mayday!

We’ve survived,been saddened,seen,heard and talked about Tragic Automobile Accidents…but when the Automaker itself, and that too one of the world’s largest, is heading for the worst Accident in it’s history,what will happen !? Yes,the US Giant ,General Motors is on it’s knees already…..on the brink of bankruptcy !…and in a Catch 22 Situation as Bankruptcy is not an …

US Auto Giant, General Motors, begins screaming Mayday ! Mayday ! Mayday! Read More »

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