GTL and GTL Infra just evaporate by over 60% and 40% in a single trading session today on huge sell offs….Company aware but not aware ! GTL got to stand for G-ot T-otally L-ynched !

What would you call this scenario where GTL Group Share prices plunge shockingly,and  without circuit breaker protection,  in a single BSE trading session on huge sell offs…and that too without any rights or bonus or split or capital reduction adjustment GTL Group Shareholders Wealth Destroyed in minutes….Murder or Suicide….both waiting to happen ! ? GTL dives 62.40% […]

GTL and GTL Infra just evaporate by over 60% and 40% in a single trading session today on huge sell offs….Company aware but not aware ! GTL got to stand for G-ot T-otally L-ynched ! Read More »