IPO of Speciality Restaurants Ltd Opened yesterday to a Poor Response…Seems The Pricing of it’s IPO and at even it’s Restaurants is out of Reach of the Public ! even today the subscription level is barely just over 2%…

Issue Size 9978503 100%   Cumulative Bid Quantity 223120 2.24% IPO of Speciality Restaurants Ltd Opened yesterday to a Poor Response…Even on the second day today as at 5 pm the Issue was subscribed just over 2%  from data culled from the BSE and NSE websites as reflected above …The Pricing is in the Band …

IPO of Speciality Restaurants Ltd Opened yesterday to a Poor Response…Seems The Pricing of it’s IPO and at even it’s Restaurants is out of Reach of the Public ! even today the subscription level is barely just over 2%… Read More »