BSE,NSE and SEBI must check if Ramalinga Raju or any of his fronts shortsold Satyam at Rs 175 in Derivatives or in Morning Spot before releasing the Bombshell of his Letter that confessed to a Fraud and sunk Satyam in quicktime from Rs 175 to close at Rs 40

Ramalinga Raju of Satyam is nothing but a downright Cheat and a Dishonest and Fradulent promoter…however he did have the courage to confess this morning….yet he cannot be trusted Satyam closed at just Rs 40,down Rs 138 from Rs 175 BSE,NSE and SEBI must check that Ramalinga Raju and his coterie did not benefit monetarily from […]

BSE,NSE and SEBI must check if Ramalinga Raju or any of his fronts shortsold Satyam at Rs 175 in Derivatives or in Morning Spot before releasing the Bombshell of his Letter that confessed to a Fraud and sunk Satyam in quicktime from Rs 175 to close at Rs 40 Read More »