Darr kay baad hee Jeet hai !..Yesterday was ‘Fear’ful Friday the 13th..today it’s ‘Love’ly Valentine Day!

Kya Life Hai ! Yesterday was Friday the 13th…many carry a Fear  of this Day…the phobhia is called ‘PARASKAVEDEKATRIAPHOBIA’….that’s Greek..’Paraskave’ denoting ‘Friday’ and ‘Dekatria’ meaning denoting ‘Thirteen’ and ‘Phobia’ standing for ‘Fear’ Interestingly the Fear for the Number 13 is called ‘TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA’ Now you know why Some Tall Buildings prefer to label their 13th floor as […]

Darr kay baad hee Jeet hai !..Yesterday was ‘Fear’ful Friday the 13th..today it’s ‘Love’ly Valentine Day! Read More »