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“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”

Gaurav's Blog


December 4, 2008

Did Value Investor and Living Investment Legend, Warren Buffett, invest US $ 5 Billion in Goldman Sachs in September 2008 for reasons other than Value !?

On September 23,2008,Warren Buffett’s (WB) Investment Behemoth,Berkshire Hathaway (BH) announced it would invest US $ 5 Billion in preferred stock of Goldman Sachs and would receive 10% annual dividend.It would also be alloted warrants that would give it an option to invest a further US $ 5 Billion in Common Stock at a strike Price …

Did Value Investor and Living Investment Legend, Warren Buffett, invest US $ 5 Billion in Goldman Sachs in September 2008 for reasons other than Value !? Read More »

Condoleezza Rice flies in to condole India but flies out not to confront Pakistan

Following the Terrorist Attack last week in South Mumbai the Outgoing President of USA, George Bush rushed outgoing Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice to India and Pakistan She flew into New Delhi for a Day, yesterday, offered her condolence and made some right noises that Pakistan would have to urgently address the situation and fully …

Condoleezza Rice flies in to condole India but flies out not to confront Pakistan Read More »

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