A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Adieu 2010…Welcome 2011….Hope we get to welcome a ‘Magic’ Stock yet again !

Adieu 2010…Welcome 2011

They Say Our Life’s Expectancy is measured by the Number of Breathes we take…there’s a finite number pre ordained for each one of us….so here’s wishing that you take fewer Breathes in 2011,so that you live longer !

So Breathe Deeply and make your New Year Resolutions….and Breathe Deeper when you break them !

Given you some really huge Multibaggers in the 21st Century…Matrix Labs,Mercator Lines,Essar Oil,Sagar Cements,ICSA,Sesa Goa to name a few….have positioned you with a few more for the coming years

Let’s Hope 2011 throws up a real ‘Magic’ & ‘Miracle’ Stock up for you that makes you ‘breathless’! (so you live longer too!..refer up) and revs your Equity Portfolio up so fast that you can take an early retirement !….Maybe I’ll spot one for clients yet again…Now ! Now ! I said Maybe !

….but what I do promise on my blog is to keep warning you to stay away from Companies that seduce or are simply scandalously overpriced !…like Emami Infrastructure was when it got listed on the demerger !…High of Rs 600 on the NSE !…. and at Rs 100 + it was widely thought to have stabilised…it’s down to Rs 35-Rs 45 range now  within months !   

Cheers !   


4 thoughts on “Adieu 2010…Welcome 2011….Hope we get to welcome a ‘Magic’ Stock yet again !”

  1. Thanks for your great picks & advice via your blog Gaurav. Haven’t ‘profited’ much as i discovered your blog late but have ‘amassed’ lots of knowledge & insight thanks to your analysis of stocks/IPO’s
    Hope that some day i can earn enough to become your ‘client’ @ Sciptech;)
    Here’s wishes to more multi-baggers & less lemons like Sabero 😉 ! Happy 2011!

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