A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Back in Office this morning after August 2 2013…Feeling Good

Doc permitted me to resume Office for a few hours and a few days in the week…this morning I did so and am feeling so Happy and Good and Blessed and  Relieved !…..welcomed warmly by my staff.

Welcomed warmly in the morning too by the Sensex and Nifty as they were both up past 20000 and 5950 respectively….but can this sustain !?

Discussed with Staff what’s keeping our Markets warm despite weighty  Macro pressures….discussed the NaMo effect !

Planned October and Pre Diwali Assignments with them and Clients can look forward to 10 SS Series recommendations that should  make monies for them from this Diwali to the Next !….identified many such specific and sector ideas that need to be tested and researched for both Value and Pricing before committing them…..for we have seen good selections available cheaper later !

Weighed  that currently Momentum,Liquidity and Sentiment will outweigh Valuation criteria making it that much more risky to trade or speculate …..discussed how to spot such trend winners quickly

….how right we were on the FTIL and NSEL fiasco when we had warned it was a Pandoras Box Opening out and a premeditated scam that would unfold to reveal how thousands of crores of funding was created for a few by a largely unregulated NSEL exchange through thousands of clients of leading network of brokers on the basis of the comfort level of adequate value of commodities in warehouses…..investigating agencies have found many of these warehouses simply do not exist and in most of them there are little or no commodities !….FIRs have been filed against the Promoters,Directors,Top Management and Employees and Borrowers and Arrests are bound to follow…do these people realise the damage caused to retail investors confidence in our market systems !….trust deficits are now at record levels despite assurances from an inept Government and incompetent regulators who failed to regulate and nip the problem bud in time despite being aware of it over a year ago !

…..also discussed ways to increase Clientele on Personal and Web Plans and increase the success rate smartly on our SS Selections ….some are moving northwards while some need to yet kickstart and those drifting southwards are testing patience and temperament !….discussed remaining  committed to them

Our near 100% success record on Scrip Tease reveals its been easier to advise what to stay or divorce away from than what to get married to !

Plan to be in Office every Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm for the next few weeks

Grateful to all of you for your concern and prayers that have seen me through these two +tough health months

The Lion’s now beginning to Roar !


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