A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Been Personally & Professionally a Fairly Fulfilling Fortnight this second half of January 2012…

Been Personally & Professionally a Fairly Fulfilling Fortnight this second half of January 2012….

…Guitarist Daughter and her ‘All Girls’ Band ‘Eternal Edge’ performed well at ‘Encore’,the School’s Annual Rock Concert Night….she also got a Distinction in School Academics and was announced as Best Allrounder of the Senior School as well as got the much coveted and rarely given (just two so far in the 150 years history of the School) School Colours for her Football Achievements at the State,National and International Levels…she appears end Feb for her ICSE Boards

…Son and his co-delegate won the Best Delegates Recognition at the Government Law College Conducted Mock United Nations Conference representing USA…..it confirmed in the Family that when it comes to arguments,no one can argue as well as him !…he says they ultimately made even the ‘Iran’ delegates agree with them ‘USA’ on global issues !

…Portfolios ran well in January beating the Benchmark Indices by a factor of 3…F & O Trades too outperformed

…Newly Launched Series of Actionable Short Term Fundamental Training Programmes of  Few Hours each were well received

….addressed a packed room of Management Students at St Xaviers College on “India ‘Shy’ning and Sensex Whining” at a Seminar organised by the E- Cell of IIT Powai,who promptly send me a ‘fantastic’ thanks that night

….addressed a packed room at a Free Seminar on “2012 ~ Which Way Will The Wind Blow ~ Sensex ~ Winning or Whining !? “…received well

…and despite a packed Social Month,I’ve lost a few Kilos !…..the trick is to weigh yourself early morning !

….and my wife finally confessed that she cannot live without me !…probably prompted by a sms she received from a friend ” if you don’t take care of your husband,then someone else’s wife will !”

Cheers !


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