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A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”

Gaurav's Blog



Performance of the BSE Sector Indices in 2011/12 and to date is quite Interesting

Performance of the BSE Sector Indices in 2011/12  and to date is quite Interesting ….What provoked this post is Sameer’s counter argument in my earlier post…he is bullish in the short term,citing the favourable upmoves in the Pharma,Cement and Auto Sectors…I’m looking at the Bigger Picture and I’m not so excited really as Macros are …

Performance of the BSE Sector Indices in 2011/12 and to date is quite Interesting Read More »

Jai Ho ! Tata….Rs One Lakh People’s Car…. NANO Car Booking Announced

Jai Ho ! Tatas ! The eagerly awaited booking for the Tata NANO Car…the Rs One Lakh Car…The People’s car…has just been announced this late afternoon…..Booking opens on April 9,2009 and will close on April 25,2009 You can access their website for more details Ratan Tata appeared greatly relieved at the Press Conference….gave several light hearted comments…on …

Jai Ho ! Tata….Rs One Lakh People’s Car…. NANO Car Booking Announced Read More »

Dow should Dive below 8000 today as Auto Bail-Out Plan fails to pass Senate

Bankruptcy is not an Option for General Motors….but there seems no other Option…..last Night the Senate  failed to clear the Bail-out plan for Emergency Aid of  US $ 14 billion to the three Auto Majors in USA….General Motors,Chrysler and Ford Dow closed at 8565 yesterday and is likely to dive below 8000 today….General Motors closed at US …

Dow should Dive below 8000 today as Auto Bail-Out Plan fails to pass Senate Read More »

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