Celebrating 25 Years of Married Bliss with same wife ! ~ and even 25 years in Indian Equity as an Advisor and Trainer !

After a long courtship, Nergis and I finally became legally one ! on September 2,1988 ~ It’s been a wonderful 25 years of marital bliss since then being blessed with two lovely children too…Varun who just turned 24 yesterday and Kunashni who will be 18 next month
Through Rain and Sunshine we’ve bonded together standing shoulder to shoulder ~ she’s a marvelous entrepreneur in her own right ~ a CA,a Web Multi Media Wiz and a Chocolatier to boot ! and her unflinching love and support through thick and thin is my strength
The Colours of our Love are the Colours of our Life ! ~ and we thank God for this Blessing and for the wonderful Family and Friends that we have who have been there always for us
I realise that I also celebrate 25 years in Indian Equity as an Advisor and Trainer !
To me,both journeys ~ Matrimony and Equity ~ continue to be humbling experiences of Highs & Lows ! that requires Patience,Passion and of course ‘Paisa’ to survive and enjoy ! not to mention loads of unconditional love, temperament,luck,conviction,confidence,risk assuming abilities,fundamental faith,belief and understanding !
….and I thank all of you,my Blog readers and viewers for just being there ! ~ and visiting my blog for my Analysis and Views and Comments and Coverage on matters that go beyond Stocks and our Economy to our Mindsets and Lifestyles and Attitudes ~ Thanks for all your comments too
The next 25 years look promising ! even if our Rupee may be @Rs 300 to the US $ by 2038 ! ~ after all it has depreciated over 300% in the last 25 years from Rs 15 to Rs 65+ to the US $ !
This is assuming of course that the US $ will remain a World Reserve Currency till then !
And our Sensex !? ~ well assuming ,BSE continues to rock and roll and the CAGR continues to be @ 16% then in the next 25 years by 2038 the Sensex would have moved up from today’s intraday 18850 levels to over 770000 !
Keep the Faith !
Docs say that My Heart has some Issues !~ but I know my Heart is in the Right Place ! ~ and I shall fully recover soon ~ it’s exactly a month to date since the Infarction that put me in Hospital for Ten Days and am now resting at Home for 20 days ~ next course of treatment is being decided soon
Cheers to all of you ! Thanks for all your continuing concern & prayers and good wishes
11 thoughts on “Celebrating 25 Years of Married Bliss with same wife ! ~ and even 25 years in Indian Equity Profession !”
Sir, Wishing you on your anniversaries..
May god bless you with all his blessings..
Take Care of your health..
Happy silver anniversary Gaurav. Now go for gold! 🙂
congrats sir
Our warm wishes on the 25th Anniversary and many more to come 🙂
Happy Anniversary and healthy life Gaurav Sir..!!
get well soon sir and happy aniversary
superb sir,get well soon
and educate us in your own ways
Wishing you both a wonderful time ahead.
Wishing best of time and will find same hotness in your relations with Nerjis ji
and stock market on Golden jublee aniversary
In this world of greedy investors,people like you are like oasis,the real light …May you have many many more years of Happy Married life.
Congratulations!!! Wish you many more years ahead..!!