Christmas Month of December begins with an Interesting Weekend… Some Research on FDI in Retail,Jupiter Bio,OnMobile Global,Jain Irrigation,Sensex Earnings….also Met some really Interesting Business Heads In India…Daughter captaining Maharashtra Football Team at the School Nationals in Port Blair…winding up with some relaxing social interaction…now looking forward to seeing where the Sensex closes in 2011

Christmas Month of December begins with an Interesting Weekend… some Research on FDI in Retail,Jupiter Bio,OnMobile Global,Jain Irrigation,Sensex Earnings….meeting up with  some really Interesting Business Heads In India…Daughter captaining Maharashtra Football Team at the School Nationals in Port Blair….and winding up with some relaxing social interaction

Some Research….

  • to thrash Jupiter Biosciences that has sunk from Rs 75 last December to under par Rs 10 this December…will post it soon on company website under Scrip Tease …. a USA based friend had requested to check this fall as he is a hapless shareholder who  is related to the Promoters and feels awkward  asking them about this decimation…Book Value is Rs 125 ! 
  • to put OnMobile Global at Rs 66 on Scrip Watch …Morgan Stanley currently has this as a wealth creator idea
  • to figure out Jain Irrigation…will shortly put up view on company site….Both Enam and Morgan Stanley recommend it quite strongly at Rs 120 levels
  • Sensex 30 Earnings soon to be put up on the company website 
  • Government’s recent controversial policy announcement for 51% FDI in Multi Brand Retail…checked out Wal Mart and it’s Chinese Operations….Phew ! …they are huge…will out scale simply any competition…will put up a brief note soon on company website highlighting the Pros and Cons

Interesting Meetings with Business Heads… 

Met some really interesting Business Heads in India ….,

  • The CFO of a conservative mutual fund…. has decided to enter Derivatives finally
  • The CFO of listed real estate company that’s just had a name makeover…opines that the share prices of real estate companies will move in a narrow range for awhile…nothing exciting happening
  • A leading behavioural share broker….”your guess is as good as mine” on how the Stock Market will behave in 2012
  • Chinese head of the Indian Operations of a leading Hong Kong Financial Services Giant who has entered India through a JV…”Nice to be in India “
  •  Foreign Returned Indian Director of a Bill Gates Foundation aided Indian NGO who needs help on Corporate Governance Issues and going about setting up a New Board and how to deal with Interference from a leading Industrialist 
  • A leading Expert on Transfer Pricing who had retired very early in life to seek spiritual self….Is Now entering Share Trading for a livelihood !…busy attending trading courses and reading up books on Trading ! Interesting !  
  • A leading ex CA Partner of a Big Four Firm who also headed earlier a leading Diamond Group’s Global Operations…has now just entered the Construction business in New Mumbai,near the new Proposed Airport…says Rs 4500/sq feet is cheap…it is really worth Rs 15000/sq ft !….Keep an Eight Year view he asserts and you will gain multifold !…on my wavelength of a contrarion view on Real Estate for the Long Term    

Daughter Captains the u 19 Maharashtra State Football Team….

The 57th School National Games for u 19 Girls Football Event began in Port Blair on December 1,2011….16 year old daughter was appointed the Maharshtra Team Captain and had the honour of  holding the State Flag while leading her Team in at the Opening Ceremony…They thrashed Gujarat  7-0 on Friday,December 2,2011  and now face a tougher opponent Orissa tomorrow who also beat Gujarat 6-0 yesterday in their group…Both Maharashtra and Orissa qualify for the Quarter Final Knock Out Stage

The Journey to Port Blair was exhausting…The Team left the Kolhapur Camp by Haripriya Express Train on Nov 25 for Renikunta,near Tirupati to catch the connecting Madras Express to Chennai on Nov 26 morning…they missed the connection and had to catch a later train….it was raining in Chennai late night when they reached…left on a 60 hour journey for Port Blair by Ship on evening of November 27,2011 by SCI’s MV Harshavardhana….excitement turned to disgust as they were travelling Bunk Class…sleeping was on steel bunk beds….the food was not edible….they survived on biscuits for three days !…….they had mobile phones and monies stolen…daughter’s phone went….we remain in touch through phones of teammates…”Like you see Jail in the Movies,Dad ! ” …A Pity that a listed PSU like SCI runs such a third rate service on their Passenger Ship to Port Blair…..but Port Blair is better…awesome view from the Ship as they came in…and the Opening Ceremony Parade was lovely….daughter says the Games are being covered on DD Sports…told her to enjoy the Games and shirk off any Captaincy Expectations and Pressures….School Prelims begin this week and she will miss a few papers….She’s in Std X and will be appearing in March 2012 for the ICSE Final Examinations….School is thrilled at her achievement as this is the first time in the history of the School that a Girl has been selected for the State Team for the School Nationals conducted by the School Games Federation of India…her poster announcing this has been put up front as one enters the School….feel warm and proud that she continues to make her School & State and Family & Friends proud….like a Business Leader Friend (not part of above people I met) and Father of her schoolmate remarked to me and a few others in our group last night “She is my hero and my inspiration ! “….well,she is mine too !          

Relaxing Social Interaction…

  • Attended the Annual Celebrations on Friday Night of one of India’s Leading Auditing ,Taxation and Consultancy Groups outside the Big Four
  • Wound up last night catching up with over 900 members and spouses and some nostalgic numbers like “My Way” by veteran crooner Gary Lawyer and some Fireworks at the Club’s lovely Annual Day Celebrations ….more relaxing as all was on the House !….Cocktails & a Lavish Buffet Spread with Indian,Surti,Continental,Chinese,Italian,Burmese and Tandoor cuisine with several Live Counters and Gary Lawyer and his Band !….the debate is yet out whether the full house was because of everything being on the House or that Gary Lawyer was in the House !   

Am sure that the rest of December will continue in the same interesting vein…and all meetings and leads will convert into good business too !

A Note of Selfishness…..I want Sensex to break 15000 as I see 2012 as a contrarion Year and such a southward movement provide less riskier buying opportunities

However to end with a Note of Optimism…though I have opined recently, after the Sensex broke 16000 more than once in 2011,that it will seek lower levels and break 15000 also,it has gained strong momentum in just three days to move back towards 17000 with Banking leading the way on an expectation of a CRR Cut by RBI this month…… Here’s hoping this Optimism and Sentiment sustains and the Sensex closes 2011 at 17000 +….Leading FIIs have just predicted a moderately bullish 2012 with the Sensex closing over 18000 by next year end December 2012

First Let’s see how December 2011 really pans out !….Echoing the Behaviourial Broker’s sentiment “Your Guess is as Good as Mine !”  

Cheers !

4 thoughts on “Christmas Month of December begins with an Interesting Weekend… Some Research on FDI in Retail,Jupiter Bio,OnMobile Global,Jain Irrigation,Sensex Earnings….also Met some really Interesting Business Heads In India…Daughter captaining Maharashtra Football Team at the School Nationals in Port Blair…winding up with some relaxing social interaction…now looking forward to seeing where the Sensex closes in 2011”

  1. “Government’s recent controversial policy announcement for 51% FDI in Multi Brand Retail…checked out Wal Mart and it’s Chinese Operations….Phew ! …they are huge…will out scale simply any competition” Frankly taken back from your comment. Disappointed to say the least or maybe you are hoping for a ticket from the BJP or from Mamta ?
    The benefits outweigh the consequences. To the best of my knowledge the Kirana stores never ever pay tax and we as a country are saving them.

  2. Hey Raj…thanks for the response…I’ve never stated FDI in Retail is not Good…just have referred to the Chinese Experience of Wall Mart…will shortly be putting up a note with pros and cons on such a Policy…Consumer is King and Competition is Good…No Doubt on this….But Monopolies are not…There are two sensitive issues playing up…will FDI in Retail affect the livelihood of crores of Small Retail Stores ? and will Retail Monoploies be created by the likes of Wall Mart ?…A Ticket for me from the BJP or Mamta ?…Well that’s a new thought !

    Cheers !

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