😎 Feel Like this Lazy Dog basking in the Sun on this Lazy Sunday Chilly December Mumbai Morning

It’s been a Therapeutic December 22,2013 Sunday Morning so far….Hot Masala Dosas and Sambar and Green Tea for Breakfast…..then a lovely leisurely haircut by my favourite guy at the saloon….followed by a really piping hot…maximum my back could bear…. powerful stream shower that was a soothing massage in itself….reading all the Sunday Papers….and now planning to visit an Art Exhibition at Nehru Centre with my daughter and follow it up with a light soup and salad lunch
😀 Feeling Young & Invigorated
Christmas Cheer and the Joy of Giving Spirit is clearly in the Air
Update on Monday Morning,December 23,2013
No wonder it was a chilly Sunday morn…. Media reports it was the coldest December morning this year in Mumbai at 14.8 degrees C