A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Finally British Council help sought to solve the ‘Murder of English’ in Indian Schools !

Finally after 12 years  after declaring in 2000 that English is a compulsory subject in Government Schools,the Maharashtra State Government has engaged British Council to face to face train 920 selected Teachers to teach English ~who in turn will impart the Training to 67000 Teachers ~ one per school

This will be under the Programme , Maharashtra – English Language Initiative for Primary Schools (M-ELIPS)

This is to bridge the gap between intent and outcome and ensure that English is not uttered by Teachers like this as below

Murder of English

Did I hear a Patriotic Cry “Who Learn to want  English !?”

Some hilarious instances I recall when serving with KPMG overseas in the 1980s ~ an Indian candidate was not selected and he wrote a letter to my head thanking him for the opportunity and which ended like this “…when in Bombay give me chance to hospitalise you ” !!!

….another one was when an office driver took an incoming call from a Client and then left a message on the desk of a head ” client called and you not home also had massage with wife ”  !!!

Cheers !


2 thoughts on “Finally British Council help sought to solve the ‘Murder of English’ in Indian Schools !”

  1. The Samosas are under construction.
    See see how large train.
    Neighbours are the first one who sees the fire burning.
    Go and sit down in the basement.

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