A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Hi ! Birthday today and just out of ICU ! overwhelmed by countless wishes and prayers! feeling blessed

51 today and out of ICU yesterday ….admitted for a heart attack….thanks for all the prayers and wishes…will roar back


26 thoughts on “Hi ! Birthday today and just out of ICU ! overwhelmed by countless wishes and prayers! feeling blessed”

  1. Wish you a very very speedy recovery and I know that will will roar back………take care sir.

    Anurag Awasthi

  2. We hope you continue to improve by leaps and bounces. The tiger never tires. You rock and there is no doubt you will continue to rock.

  3. Hi,

    Wish you a very happy birthday. Get well soon.

    I hope your wife might not mind me telling that you dont look like 51.

  4. Sir please take care. Wish you a speedy recovery. You would not remember me but anything you need help in do let know. Wish you a happy birthday

  5. sir,
    checking internet after two weeks.just now i saw this message.Take care.Wish you to recover fully and become fit.We will pray for u sir

  6. Logged in to your blog only today after 10 days of vacation. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!! May God bless you and shower his blessings on you to help the investing public. Cheers.

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