A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

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Indian General Elections begin next week~Please Vote

Indian General Elections ~ Please do Vote ~ I know I will

With our two Major National Parties,Congress and the BJP, at each other throats on the Streets and on the Air and in Print and Social Media I wonder who is more dangerous for India ! ! ! rather than who will be good for us !

How low can one stoop !?….check out Uttar Pradesh Politicians….Beni Prasad of the Congress and Azam Khan of the Samajwadi Party have called BJP’s Prime Ministerial Candidate,Mr Narendra Modi a Goonda and a Murderer respectively….another has cast him as Gabbar Singh ,the Villain Character from Sholay played by the late Amjad Khan !

Congress talks ‘Secular’ but behaves dangerously ‘Polar’ by wooing Muslim Votes through Shahi Imam Bukhari…their continuing stand to keep the Communal BJP out at any cost gets more and more diluted with their compromising India’s Secularism themselves and even National Interests….so many who should have stood trial in Indian Courts have been let off the hook and allowed to leave Indian Shores or deliberately creating a weak case for their extradition….Warren Anderson (Union Carbide 1984 Bhopal Toxic Gas Leak Tragedy),Kim Davy (Purulia Arms Case),Ravi Shankaran (War Room Leaks) and Quatrrochi (Bofors) come immediately to mind

BJP is clearly being supported by Big Business…”I mean really Big” says our Finance Minister P Chidambaram….Narendra Modi keeps being reminded of  the Gujarat Riots in 2002 and his suspected role in deliberately allowing them to happen and not stopping them as the BJP CM of Gujarat at the time too

In a recent episode of Satyamev Jayate on TV , Actor Aamir Khan highlighted the dangerous extent of Criminalisation of  our Political System where  National Parties give Tickets to Criminals or those with Taint going for Winnability over Integrity

The Three ‘C’s continue to torment India….Corruption,Communalism and Criminality….and sadly and dangerously all leading Political Parties indulge in all  Three

After Ages we now have a third rising political party alternative,the Aam Aadmi Party(AAP) of Arvind Kejriwal….born out of  ‘Enough is Enough’ Mindset relating to the extent of Corruption in India

It’s not really amazing that leading and reputed Professionals in all walks of life are joining the AAP , frustrated with the behaviour and mindsets of National Political Parties and supporting the need for a radical cleansing that will bring about accountability and transparency in Governance

We need a Cleansing Change….Caste Your Vote Honestly for a Candidate who can bring about such a Change

Your Country is in Your Hands…..Don’t put up your Hands in Frustration saying what can just One Vote do !

Every Vote Counts !

You Count !….so make it Count ! and Vote Honestly….you now have a NOTA alternative too to Vote~ None Of  The Above…which you can exercise if you don’t see any Candidate worthy of a Vote in your Constituency


6 thoughts on “Indian General Elections begin next week~Please Vote”

  1. hi Gaurav, Can IDFC adjust itself to PB of 2 over next few weeks knowing it has CAR of 21%?


  2. Sirji, I deserve a gift hamper for correctly foretelling that JM would not qualify for a banking license.. 🙂 All the wind in the sail has been lost for the stock!

  3. Gaurav Parikh

    Yes Sameer…you are on the right track…currently IDFC has a book close to Rs 100 at FY 14 year end and a PBV of 1.3 against PBVs of over 5 for HDFC Bank and over 2 and 3 for other Private Banks….Yes Shiv your assessment on JM was right…in fact I’m not amused at RBI allowing Private Sector to apply and yet deciding on criteria of Government supported and already involved in financial inclusion….All Listed Corporate Applicants like L & T Finance etc have seen their Share Prices react sharply today…why invite them in the first place if you wanted to restrict giving licenses to government supported faces !

  4. Classic case of politician proposing and bureaucrat disposing. The FM had categorically stated that business houses will be allowed to set up banks. Applicants were invited only to be insulted. Expert after expert came to town expressing fears over private business houses. We Indians are still stuck in the 70’s.

  5. A Secular Party ?

    Is BJP a SECULAR party ?

    Its detractors never tire of saying that it is a COMMUNAL party ( – meaning , of the HINDUS , by the HINDUS , for the HINDUS )

    On the other hand , BJP leaders keep shouting :

    ” We are not a ” HINDU – ONLY ” party

    We are a SECULAR party

    Our membership is open to people belonging to ALL religions ”

    Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi adds ,

    ” We welcome MUSLIMS into our fold with open arms

    We are happy for MUSLIMS to become our party – members ”

    For those who think this is a bluff ( – and I suspect that most MUSLIMS do ), there is only one way to find out

    Call the bluff !

    In our country , there are 160 million Muslims

    Let 20 million Muslims line up in front of BJP offices all over the country , with Rs 5 membership fee ( or whatever ) , and demand their Membership Card

    One of the following scenarios will take place :

    # If BJP does admit , even 2 million MUSLIMS as Members , BJP has
    proved that they are truly SECULAR

    # After admitting 2000 MUSLIMS , if BJP offices say , they have run out of
    Membership Forms / Cards , you would have proved , BJP is COMMUNAL

    As simple as that !

    Why keep debating endlessly when it can be proved so easily / conclusively ?

    If Indian Muslims want any change in BJP’s policies , the only way to bring it about , is from ” Within ”

    Incidentally , US English Thesaurus defines :

    * SECULAR = Worldly / Material / Lay

    * COMMUNAL = Shared / Common / Public / Collective / Joint / Mutual

    * POLARIZE = To divide into sharply opposing factions , political groups

    Do I see an irony somewhere ?


    Or , is it other way around ?

    * hemen parekh ( 05 April 2014 / Mumbai )

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