A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


It’s August 9 today…what a Day !…ROAR !

Are you aware of the significance of August 9 ?

It was on this Day in

1942…. that the Quit India Movement began…. to gain Independence

1945…. that USA dropped an Atom Bomb on Nagasaki in Japan during World War II

1974… that President of USA, Richard Nixon resigned due to the Watergate Scandal

…. and also on August 9, 1962, my Mother decided that I needed to stop kicking her from within and begin kicking others on Planet Earth !

…. I’m yet kicking… because it is widely believed that unless Times of India in their ‘Personals’ does not greet you personally on your birthday, like they did BIG Lawyer, Mahesh Jethmalani and BIG Bazaar, Kishore Biyani this morning, you are not BIG !

A ROAR from a Lion to you’ll !….. and especially a BIG ROAR to those who wished on email, sms, skype, phone and Facebook !

…….. Like a close friend observing that a Hug is like a Boomerang… you get it right back…. I asked her if she had ever tried hugging a Bear !?… she said she would leave that to me !…. and I said I’ve already done this !… you see in my line of work, my Wife is the Bear and I’m the Bull !

……. Like another wishing me Many Happy Returns of the Day… and I tell her that unless I celebrate, I observe I don’t get Happy ‘Returns’… if you know what I mean

…… and my niece said “Mamu, Happy Birthday”… and I just saw ‘Munnabhai MBBS’ yet again on TV last night and so ‘Mamu’ was fresh in my mind…. but niece’s ‘mamu’ denoted a family relationship… so that’s alright

……. and one wisely wished me hoping that ‘May the Stock markets go up and up and up …..”… you see that we often corelate Happiness with an Up and UP and Buoyant Stock Market!… believing that these two are not inversely corelated !

……. and  Incidentally, one of my cubs thinks ROAR stands for ‘ Rights Of A Retard !’…. she’s not getting her Allowance this week !

Cheers !


6 thoughts on “It’s August 9 today…what a Day !…ROAR !”

  1. Wish you a very happy bithday. May your portfolio be blessed with many more multibagger stocks & may your loyal blog followers be blessed with a few more multibagger ideas!

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