A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Just caught Padmasree Warrior,Cisco’s CTO on NDTV Profit’s Unstoppable Indian Show….truly inspiring !

It’s 5 pm and an inspiring talk just ended on NDTV Profit’s Unstoppable Indian Show….Padmasree Warrior,Cisco’s Chief Technology Officer was featured…She’s at the heart of Exciting Innovation in Technology

You had the Anchor,Manvi, in the Cisco,New Delhi Office interviewing, by way of High Quality Telepresence Technology, Padmasree Warrior in San Jose,USA

Some of Padmasree’s Inspiring Answers to Manvi’s Interesting Questions….brought out the depth and humility in Padmasree

  • Cisco’s Focus is three pronged…Video…Collaboration (Inter Company…earlier there were cross functional teams within the same organisation)….Virtualisation 
  • Lines are getting Blurred between Life and Work
  • Internet Mobility will be pervasive
  • Enterprise Applications across multiple device platforms
  • Most Satisfying Professional Moment is when I’m able to make a difference to someone in my organisation…help them in decision making,advise them and see that I’ve made a difference in their Life and Career
  • I was born in the small town of Vijaywada in Andhra Pradesh and had a happy and loving childhood….shifted to male dominated IIT Delhi…barely knowing any Hindi and being just one of five women among a batch of 250…..was just 16 or 17 when i met my husband in the first year at IIT…we shall be celebrating 20 years of happy wedded life next month
  • Cannot comment on getting any feelers but was flattered to be part of the rumour mill that President Obama was considering me to be the CTO in his Administration..it is a new and welcome post created
  • Already working with the Government…Obama has send the Agenda and Healthcare,Broadband Expansion and Smarter and Greener Cities are his Technology aided priorities
  • I don’t like the word ‘Balance’ when it comes to Life and Work…It would mean they are in conflict with each other….I prefer the word ‘Integration’….When my son was born,I was running a Factory…I felt guilty about not being at work when I was at home…and felt guilty that I was not with my son,when I was in Office !…taught me a lesson…it is the guilt associated with making the decision that gives the stress….there is no such thing as a perfect decision…you make a decision ,you feel appropriate at the time…you should just flow with it
  • Be approachable,transperant,genuine…give them the true facts….never say anything that does not come from your heart
  • As CTO of a big Organisation,my day is predefined and structured…I know who I’m going to meet and when and why…The role of a Leader is changing dramatically…A Leader needs to have Peripheral Vision…That’s why I blog and twitter and thus communicate with many ,who otherwise I would not have
  • Others see the Downturn as to stop what they’re doing…..we see it as a time to accelerate and look for opportunities for acquisitions
  • Cisco is redifining  Innovation to be on par with Operational Excellence…very rarely does an Organisation excel in both 



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