A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Laundered by the Sensex and Nifty !…and Infosys !

This Invitation Board at a Dry Cleaners in Bangkok could well be put at the entrance of  BSE and NSE !

” Drop Your Trousers Here For The Best Results

Quick Service…Same Day Delivery….Promise to wipe you clean and get neatly ironed and laundered by our Sensex and Nifty !…or if you prefer exclusive one to one service try Infosys for today !

 So when venturing into the Bourses,do remember this phrase !? “Being Send to the Dry Cleaners !”

Cheers !

PS :  For this Blog, Blame the Sensex Crashing over 200 points inside six minutes yesterday @ 2 pm from 17300 levels to below 17100 levels…It closed at 17095,down 238 points….as Infosys declared a poor Dollar guidance,froze salary levels for the time being  and share price dropped over 12% to Rs 2403,down Rs 347 or 12.61 %…it’s biggest single day fall in Nine Years !…Just the other Day Infosys was ranked No 6 on a Market Cap of over Rs 160000 crs…it’s dropped a rank,to No 7 with a Market Cap now of Rs 138000 crs….TCS,the other Infotech Giant, is a comfortable Market Cap IT Leader at Rank No 4 with a Market Cap of over Rs 209000 crs …but with warning bells being sounded in the IT Sector,will TCS too lose Market Cap ! with it’s share price too dropping sharply from current levels of Rs 1070 ? In 2011 and till date in 2012 TCS has bucked the Infosys downward Trend…Can it yet hold and continue to do so ?

Updated on Sunday Afternoon,April 15,2012 on a response from Harish Nagpal

Yup,Harish,Algo Basket Trading has been attributed to the sudden drop in the market indices @ 2 pm on Friday….Nearly a year ago,on May 21,2011,a blog had covered High Frequency Algorithimic Trading as well as Morgan Stanley calling a 30000 Sensex in 18 months !…by end 2012…have a look…An extract “HFT has sparked off the need for a strong regulatory and supervisory and monitoring system in place,especially after the flash crash in US markets on May 6,2010”

Saturday…..time out is time in !…..IFEN address,parrots,squirrels and sparrows,Reliance and Insider Trading,Oil Subsidies,RBI Warning on Fiscal Deficit,Iron Ore Bubble, High Frequency Algorithimic Trading,Morgan Stanley an a Sensex of 30000 in 18 months……enough to ponder over this weekend

Saturday, May 21st, 2011



3 thoughts on “Laundered by the Sensex and Nifty !…and Infosys !”

  1. Hi Gaurav,

    Does this mean the IT sector itself is looking bad at this point of time?

    I was wondering from a long time which one of the three IT stocks is best: Infy, Wipro or TCS.

    I own all three and was trying to sell two of them and hold only one, but unsure which one it should be.

    1. Hi Shankar…if you need to pick one,my sense would be to continue to trust TCS from the Three IT bellweathers…The IT Sector should benefit from a falling rupee,but this is countered by a weakened west economy and a ? on continuity and quantum of orders,visa issues in USA,growing US resentment to outsourcing IT,growing competition from other Asian Countries like China and Philipines…I’m not too gung ho on strong IT Sector growth in the short term…All Visible Earnings are reflected already in Share Prices

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