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Meet JEAN MARIE LEHN,a Chemistry Nobel Laureate and a Genius

Meet JEAN MARIE LEHN,Chemistry Nobel Laureate and A Brilliant Mind…He is in Mumbai and students of the prestigious IIT,Powai were fortunate to have him address them during their Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Meet him through these Gems Extracted from his coverage in today’s edition of Mumbai Mirror…his philosophical bent of mind too comes through

On his reaction on winning the Nobel Prize

Obviously felt good…realised it entailed responsibility…I learnt to say “No”,which is Important as you cannot do everything “

On his Transition from being a Student of Philosophy to Studying Chemistry 

” When I was 17,I too didn’t want to solve the complex equations of the World.But later I realised that Chemistry is a creative science and I was drawn to it “

Is Chemistry an Art,then ?

“Yes ! Chemistry is an Art and you’re allowed to think like an artist.Art may not have rules but it is restricted to the colours.In Chemistry too,creativity comes with certain restrictions”

Should one pursue Research in Chemistry as a career option?

“It’s obvious that studying management or marketing will earn you more bucks but is that what you really enjoy doing ? You could be a Rock Star or a Soccer player and earn much more than you would in chemistry research.You have to pick your true love”

Any Mantra when pursuing Chemistry Research?

“A lot of Chemistry is just Mathematics……but as a chemistry research student,you know that things don’t always work out as planned.You have to keep trying”


2 thoughts on “Meet JEAN MARIE LEHN,a Chemistry Nobel Laureate and a Genius”

  1. Thanks again Gauravji for those two very sensitive narratives on Raghi Rai and Jean Lehn- My Dad is a Chemistry professor and I am going to share this with him!

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