Wednesday Morning 10 am,March 21,2012…Marine Drive,Mumbai….The Haze was simply overwhelming that I had to click it !….Haze~Daze~Maze ! That’s Mumbai for you !
….and this morning even Times of India has covered it
….two reasons given….sandstorm in Rajasthan…and dust storms in the Middle East….Dust haze across North India is being sourced to Saudi Arabia ……was blown by the south westerly winds into Northern India
Pollution has increased 500% !….MET calls this a phenomenon…Suspended Particulate Matter in the air has increased manifold from 200 units to 1200 units per cubic meter!…causing breathlessness and coughing…this sort of heavy SPM is historic and never witnessed before….even those not affected with respiratory ailments soon were !…. visibility was very poor…trains approaching the platform wree barely visible….I could barely see 50 metres ahead as I drove on Marine Drive
Thankfully the Pollution Control and MET say that the SPM should dissipate in 24 hours
Phew !
1 thought on “Mumbai Haze….Abnormal and Historic Pollution…blamed on sandstorms in Rajasthan and Dust Haze sweeping in from Saudi Arabia”
Nothing on the blog! The haze has gone back to Saudi Arabia.