Respect your Teachers ~ “It was nice but tiring” expressed my daughter after her first day at school as a stand in teacher

This is what my daughter expressed after her proud first day at her school as a pre summer vacation stand in Biology teacher to Stds 10 to 12 and a PE-Bio Teacher to Std 9

“It was nice but tiring….how can one give 100% to each and every class !?”

She has always respected her Teachers but returned yesterday with even greater respect

She is so excited that she is to teach,albeit only this month, that she has prepared extensively and passionately for each and every topic from Fungi to Genetics using Videos and self made Humorous Presentations

We are so proud of her in her thinking and actions and are grateful to her Biology Teachers and the School Principal for having faith and trust in her to give her this wonderful opportunity to teach these higher standards  ….she just finished appearing for her ISC Std 12 Board Exams herself  last week on March 27,2014 last week and while many of her 18 year old batchmates and  friends were justifiably(some would argue here!) welcoming freedom and letting their hair down in Goa and elsewhere ,this young woman was preparing excitedly to go back and teach in school  and passionately looking forward to it !

“Dad,you know I’m feeling a bit nervous” she revealed in the car while being dropped off to School for her first day of Teaching

I too was filled with Nostalgia and I told her ” Darling,when I gave my first training lecture on Fundamental Analysis and Equity Research at the BSE Training Institute way back in 1990 I too had butterflies in my stomach even though I was confident and knew I would add great value and make the participants enjoy!…it’s been a really great and fulfilling and passionate journey since then and money was never on my mind….you can make a computation mistake but you must be a domain expert on the concepts and on facts”

“Dad,that’s perhaps called ‘Fight or Flight’ syndrome” she explains” Your sympathetic nervous system is activated to respond”….“and it is part of Biology too!” she cheerfully tells me

This William Arthur Ward quote came to my mind instantly which I conveyed to her “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

May Goddess Saraswati,the Goddess of Learning and Wisdom and Arts bless her eternally

Way to Go Young Woman !

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