A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Sensex is Low ~ Rupee is Low ~ WE ARE LOW ! ~ Inflation is High ~ Current & Fiscal Deficit is High ~ Oil Prices are High ~ FII & FDI Trust Deficit is High….and yet the Government continues to be on the defensive and keeps claiming pyrrhic victories…and after years now admit Global Macros are severely impacting us !

They say there is Intelligence leakage when Government keeps defending their inability to find sustainable Economic solutions …I disagree !…there has to be Intelligence in the first place for there to have been any leakage !….pardon me for being unkind here…but it truly is frustrating when India continues to squander it’s resources

Sensex is Low ~ Rupee is Low ~ WE ARE LOW ! ~ Inflation is High ~ Current & Fiscal Deficit is High~ Oil Prices are High….FII and FDI Trust Deficit is High…..and yet the Government continues to be on the defensive and keeps claiming pyrrhic victories of GDP Growth rates and Employment Plans and record Foodgrain Production and High Fx Reserves…and after years now admit Global Macros are severely impacting us !….and our near 80 year old  FM,addressing the Rajya Sabha at length today on the state of our Economy keeps living in the Past, referring to past History of 1948 and 1952 and late 1960s …and that another Committee may be formed to look into current Economic issues !….Good Lord ! yet Another Committee !…suddenly the FM  seems to have realised Stark Reality…talks of being pragmatic,realistic and keep eyes on the ground !….earlier there was a psychosis prevalent…ambitious PSU Disinvestment was budgeted…as were lower deficits and higher growth….none achieved….never would have been,when targeted in the first place !….repeated assurances were given as to India remains a Growth Story and not to worry

Now the Government tells us it is a worrisome and anxious economic situation that India faces….Why could they not have been Honest in the First place rather than giving false reassurances…either it was deliberate or it was a lack of vision and intelligence to realise this !

Where are the selfless Economic and Political Luminaries and Visionaries ! ?…India desperately needs you’ll now more than ever !…to bring back on Track of Economic Prosperity a derailed Economy !


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