A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Show You Voted & get 50% off your Meal at Popular Veg Eatery Cream Centre in Mumbai

Just drove past Chowpatty Seaface on way to Office and noticed  a Banner put up on the Popular Veg Eatery ‘Cream Centre’…their Chole Bhatura is oooooo super !…..it said ” Show You Voted & get 50% off your Meal” …that’s the indelible special black ink mark on your finger 

Tomorrow Mumbai Votes in the General Elections…..and nice thought by ‘Cream Centre’…they’re always full at meal times even on week days and so they need not offer such a tempting discount…the waiting is normally an hour….tomorrow I guess it may stretch to two hours !….Even next door Veg & Proud ‘New Yorker’ that is famous for Mexican and Italian is owned by Cream Centre Owners….they thrive on  Gujjus and Marwaris who love both these joints for years and keep coming back

Just a Thought !…Imagine the Profit Margins of these Eateries that they can offer such a discount easily that they don’t really have to give it a second thought !

🙂 Great Marketing by them to kill so many birds with one stone…do their bit for urging people to go and vote while strengthening their brand,loyalty and popularity too

I’m going to Vote Great Value and Eat Great Value !….anyone who has voted care to join me at Cream Centre !?

🙂 Value Investor Warren Buffett would surely approve !


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