Slumdog Millionaire, MHADA and Me !

Instead of greeting me this morning with “Happy Makar Sankrant, Darling”, my wife got me thinking and argueing with her Greeting ” You’re a Slumdog ! Now, when will you become a Millionaire ! ?”

India Infoline must have been inspired by Women when it tagged it’s line “It’s all about Money, Honey !”

I cite to my Wife what happens to Millionaires by reminding her about the Satyam Promoter Millionaire.. actually billlionaire…. and now disgraced and in the snare, Ramalinga Raju….. and the possibility that he must have been inspired and pushed by his wife to do what he did !

This was really impulsively foolish of me….. “What are you implying !?” was her fierce and threatening response……. I’ve now got to fend for myself and eat out tonight ! 

She’s told me to get up at 3 am tomorrow morning and stand in the Line at the HDFC Bank Branch to get the Form to apply for the Lottery Allotments of Flats in MHADA Schemes in Mumbai at cheaper than market prices !

Serves you right, Gaurav, for arguing with your Wife !… you would have won against Aristotle, Plato and Socrates ! 

Danny Boyle ! could you not have titled your Hit Film anything else but “Slumdog Millionaire” ! 

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