A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Some Wednesday Wanderings !…May’s Heat Wave causing a Lot of Bouncing !…Kingfisher Airlines Cheques…Adnan Sami…Tata’s JLR Debt woes forcing sale of TCS Shares…and our Sensex !

  • While the ‘King of Good Times’ bounces around in South Africa with his Cheerleaders cheering his ‘Royal Challengers’ in the IPL,his Kingfisher Airlines Cheques are bouncing here in India as the Airline faces more severe Royal Challenges that surely should be of a higher Priority
  • Have a look at the Times of India’s Mumbai Edition this morning…The’ve got Singer,Adnan Sami and his woes in three full blown reporting pieces on Page 1,3 and even 4 !…If you put them all together,it’s nearly a full page of Times Reporting on Adnan Sami !…They don’t even cover our PM like this ! Hey Guys ! You too have caught the ‘Bug’ Adnan Bug like his wife has !….It’s rather amusing that neither Adnan,nor his estranged wife are Indian Citizens…yet to settle their internal disputes and woes the’re using our Indian Police and Courts !…This is the beauty and graciousness of our Indian Democracy…welcoming one and all to come and use it’s facilities !….Just deport both to their own lands and see how their disputes will either be solved overnight or die a natural death quickly !…Hey ! Sami ! maybe crooning your hit song ‘Lift Kara De’ may be your prayer from out of all these woes !
  • Tata’s need to repay a bridge loan in June 2009 that was taken to part fund their purchase of Jaguar….Sigh !…yet again they have resorted to selling of part of their crown jewels !…Tata Sons have sold off 10 million shares of TCS today at Rs 627.25 to 15 different Institutions to raise Rs 627 crs…In fact in calender year 2008,TCS’s share price dropped by 44% ,twice the size of drop of competitor, Infosys….the reason was this very issue of selling pressure of  TCS shares by Tata Sons in 2008 
  •  Sensex is now 12000 and waiting for buying suckers…expect correction…the speed and scale of this 45% rise inside two months begs for it !


2 thoughts on “Some Wednesday Wanderings !…May’s Heat Wave causing a Lot of Bouncing !…Kingfisher Airlines Cheques…Adnan Sami…Tata’s JLR Debt woes forcing sale of TCS Shares…and our Sensex !”

  1. Hello Gaurav,
    This is a nice piece! The Sami couple are using the Indian media space too for a settlement! Rank mediocre politics and commonplace crime have made them the best bet for newspapers after IPL. Please do write about your observation on the exit polls!

  2. Pingback: Kingfisher Airlines... 'going concern' problem! | Gaurav's Blog

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