Sunday…Silence & Solitude…Warmth as Winter hints….peeping sun rays…drizzling plants…swirling crystal rainbows….hot homemade idlis send by friends…Childrens Day…150th Birthday of childrens’ Cathedral School

Silence & Solitude & Sunday…Warmth as Winter hints….6 am accupressure massage….Early Morn Sun rays peeping through drizzled Plants and a hanging Crystal creating swirling rainbow colours on the living room walls….pure joy and bliss….inspring and uplifting……and friends calling to say home made idlis are on the way……lazing through five Sunday papers and their supplements….wholeheartedly agreeing with the late Osho when an extract from his ‘The Guest’ states in ‘The Speaking Tree’ that children are pure innocence and intelligence…uncontaminated…’tabula rasa’…absolute emptiness….and we feel the need to make them kind of dependent and therefore their intelligence cannot be left intact
Happy Childrens’ Day
Happy 150th Birthday to Cathedral & John Connon School……daughter is yet in it…son graduated some years ago….Friends and Teachers talk to you…and so do the pillars and walls and wind in the halls….listen….they are whispering these 150 years to you…Feel the Glory….and thank the Almighty that you are a part of it !
This evening do vist the School Buildings to enjoy the special illuminations to celebrate the 150th Founders Day  
Cheers !

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