A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


TAP GAP Poser extended to Sunday January 17 2016

Am extending by two days the entry deadline for TAP GAP Poser to Indian midnight on Sunday, January 17, 2016

TAP GAP Poser End 2015 ~Which Indian Company Will Be A Big Share Price Winner In 2016?
December 30th, 2015

You guys are awesome !….Record entries have poured in

However I’m in Singapore currently and return on the night of Sunday,January 17,2016

Thus have extended the Contest to Indian Midnight of Sunday,January 17,2016

So earnest request to all those who yet have to send in their stock picks for 2016 do so by then



4 thoughts on “TAP GAP Poser extended to Sunday January 17 2016”


    The products manufactured by the company are Consumer Products and
    Industrial Products which are in high demand in india

    BATLIBOI CMP 24.50

    The main object of the company is manufacturing and marketing
    egineering Machinery and Equipment and Execution of Engineering and
    Turnkey projects.


    The Company is engaged in manufacturing of range of formulations in the
    form of Injectables, Eye Drops, Dry Syrups/ Powders, Capsules etc.
    The company has been in successful operation for the last two years and is turnaround candidate

  2. Very Bad timing Gaurav for contest 🙂 …Hope u should have allowed to short scrips 🙂 … Waiting for your market update

  3. Sandeep Gahandule

    sankhya infotech cmp :37.20

    Sankhya Infotech is leading prdt based co. in defence n non defence simulations, aerospace, bfsi n education.
    First Indian co. To sell software prdt to American defence organisation.
    Clients of co. Indian army, Air force, DRDO, Bel, Indian railways.
    Last yr co won CBSE online project which will cater to 11.5 mn students. Screaming buy

    Waterbase cmp : 84.25

    waterbase is Aquaculture co. Shrimp feed business will help co. To grow faster.

    Bhilwara spinning cmp :14.60

    The Company’s is engaged in the manufacture of cotton yarn,
    mercerised cotton yarn, synthetic blended yarn, hosiery yarn, and
    sewing threads in cotton and synthectics with an installed capacity
    of 29,536 spindles and 672 Rotors at its plant located at Bhilwara,
    Rajasthan and is a turnaround candidate.

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