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Wednesday Morning ~ Sombre Thoughts on 26/11 & Dangers of Cricket

Got up early this Wednesday morning with some Sombre Thoughts on 26/11 & the Dangers of Playing Cricket on & off the Field……

26/11 ~ Six Years ago on November 26,2008 on this very Day which too happened to be a Wednesday, Mumbai was shaken to it’s core by a Terrorist Attack on South Mumbai Targets that killed 164 & wounded 308 and scarred Millions of Mumbaikars…among those killed were quite a few known to my family and me….Praying for all & hope such a tragedy never occurs again

Cricket ~ Danger on the Playing Field ~Phil Hughes the South Australian Opening Batsman was felled by a Bouncer at the SCG and is in a Coma & on Life Support…fervently praying for him

…brought alive a Memory of the mid 1980s when I was just 23 and in Bahrain and while bowling at the Bahrain  Sports Club (now Indian Club) Practice Nets on a Matted Pitch I broke the Nose of a team mate who was batting…he bled profusely and had to fly to Mumbai for Surgery …he was really good about it…God Bless him…all rallied around me to say it was not my fault though I was feeling terrible and must have profusely apologised a million times…can really understand how Sean Allott,the NSW Bowler who bowled that Bouncer to Phil Hughes must be feeling right now…much worse than even I did

Danger off the Playing Field….also aghast at the dangers off the Cricketing Pitch that BCCI’s behaviour & Actions have raised to a feverish Pitch and Supreme Court has had to step in…There is Corruption in the Game we Know….Matches are Fixed we know…Betting is Rampant we know…Clear Conflict of Interest Exists we know….Yet these BCCI B@#$%^&* continue to behave without basic morals  and without shame …there continues political patronage and godfather rules….even Mudgal Committee has exposed a Pandora Box in a report that is yet to be made public…Why has BCCI postponed it’s AGM again and again only to facilitate N Srinivasan who remains under cloud ? Why are so many State Cricketing Bodies supporting N Srinivasan despite knowing it is wrong to do so !? Why are Stalwarts Ex  Test Cricketers & Commentators keeping silent in this unholy mess!? Clearly their Bread is buttered by being on BCCI Payrolls !….Why are Top Indian Cricketers being shielded and continue to don the India Cap despite their wrongdoings !? Why is Supreme Court not yet naming these Cricketers named in the Mudgal Report !?…we all know who they are but till names are released all Cricketers will be viewed with suspicion….The Game of Cricket is bigger than the Cricketers who play it

My Cricket Crazy Cousin asked me if I was excited about India’s  current Overseas Cricket Trip to Australia….I simply stated ” No!”…and believe me when a Cricket Crazy Addict like I was who has sworn by the Game and captained  the team & played it at a good level for School,Colleges and Clubs  in the 1970s to 1990s says “No!” how disillusioned I must be !

Of Course IPL needs to be scrapped but more important BCCI needs to be dissolved 


1 thought on “Wednesday Morning ~ Sombre Thoughts on 26/11 & Dangers of Cricket”

  1. Pingback: BCCI & IPL~Both a Farce & have to Go if Cricket has to Live! | Gaurav's Blog

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