What an eventful week !…am not talking about the markets!

Phew !…It’s been quite an eventful week or two brings to close today half the Financial Year 2009-10…and I’m not referring to the Markets at all !

….. a gap of over a week since my last blog!

….my daughters selection as goalkeeper for the Maharashtra State Girls u-15 Football Team and her rushing off to Uttaranchal for the sub-junior Nationals…before this her being selected at the Thane competition for the Mumbai u-17 Girls Gymnastics team for the Maharashtra Zonals in Aurangabad later in October 2009…and her appearing for the Trinity College,London,Grade 5 Examination

…..the Fire Brigade coming one late evening and cutting off the electricity in our Heritage Office Building in South Mumbai,citing it as a fire hazard….They,the BEST,the BMC and the Builder all probably in the know of things….we are relocating as the building will be demolished in all probability and rebuilt…..Mobile phone,data card and laptop ,Zindabad !….meetings have been more productive away from the office !

….. a neice pushing off to England for higher post graduate studies

……planning for some prestigious Workshops in the first week of October

……and then Dussera….with marigold garlands and fresh crisp Jalebis and Papdi and raw Papaya chutney early in the morning

……club elections

…….sister in Mumbai , enroute from Europe back to Australia

…….death of the close friend’s grandfather who was well known for his spiritual discourses and the books he’s written…he was a keen follower of Rammana Maharishi…..has disciples all over the world

……and we yet could catch in a late night Woody Allen Movie…the heavily censored ‘Vicky Cristina Barcelona’…Scarlett Johannson and Penelope Cruz are simply mindblowing

I need a Break now…so I’m returning to the markets…..routine advisory,valuation and research work !…just noticed it’s nearing 1 pm and the Sensex has surged 199 points and has crossed 17000 after 16 months…It’s 17051 now

Diwali approaches in a little over two weeks from now ! Maybe we shall have a better Diwali this time around !

Cheers !

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