A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Young Daughter,Kunashni Parikh quoted in Times of India’s Mumbai Edition today in an article on Young Acheivers


My Daughter, and India Footballer,Kunashni’s Views on Young Achievers featured in a Times Of India article in today’s Mumbai Edition…author quotes her well except when she says she feels lonely at times…this was in context of being away from friends and family for three selection camps for India probables…each over a month long last year and she was the only girl from Maharashtra….and she finally made it !


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4 thoughts on “Young Daughter,Kunashni Parikh quoted in Times of India’s Mumbai Edition today in an article on Young Acheivers”

  1. Wow & i thought Kunashini was excellent in Football & here i find she’s excellent in gymanstics, Karate, Speech/Drama & i bet in a lot more things not mentioned in the article & she’s all of 15!
    Way to go gal!
    At 29 i’m still trying to be the best i can be at ONE thing which i haven’t discovered yet 🙁 !!
    I bet Papa takes some of the credit, like father like daughter hmmmm but seeing the photos of Gaurav & his blogposts about restaurants i’m guessing physical fitness/sporting ability comes from her mom!

    An aside:
    Gaurav since you are the father of a teen prodigy who seems to be super successful in everything she tries how do you teach/train her to face defeats/setbacks ?
    Also how do you inculcate social responsibilty/community service in super talented kids who are more attuned to excel in their streams of choice as individuals or in sports?
    I feel thats one of the reasons our country lags behind. We are a nation of super talented individuals but when it comes as a whole we are a pathetic failure as a nation with 40%+ population Below the poverty line & yet we have more Billlionaires in the Forbes list!
    India ranks 4th in GDP (PPP) and 134 out of 200 in Human Development Index!
    We can’t blame everything on our politicians. We have to take our share of the blame for becoming an increasing greedy society
    We seem to be forever in a rat-race where more is better, more wealth,more houses, more medals -the socitey at large be damned!

  2. You will be surprised Swaroop that her sporting genes are from her Dad…Cricket was my passion and I reached pretty good heights in this…Captained my school in various Sports…Football,Cricket,Table Tennis,Badminton etc…played for College too in Cricket and Football……as for Community Service,let me tell you this,Kunashni is a quiet achiever…when she sets her heart to do something she gives it her best shot and shows temperament,patience and maturity that belies her young age…she is not a crazy go getter at any cost….facing setbacks has been common in her journey so far…lost out once on the State Gymnastics team by a whisker….let in a Goal in an Important match….as she says “Dad,when there is Darkness,you can see the Stars”…as far as community work goes every week she does one to two hours of Community service as part of the Interact Group…goes and teaches Municipality Children and also helps them in learning Crafts….she is also part of the International Award for Young People (IAYP)…once in six months she goes out for a few days to adopted villages to train them…last time they went they introduced cheap solar lanterns and trained villagers in their use and maintenance….at the football camps,and my wife and I are privy to this as we visted several times,she was the person 50 odd India probables looked upto for guidance in many issues off the field….many of them came from such poor background from many states….some did not know what a shampoo is !…some had just one pair of worn out slippers……idea of a great meal was what we eat routinely everyday !…. Kunashni shared rooms with them…four to five in each….,they washed their own clothes….she told me her eyes had opened to the real India….we have absolutely no doubt Kunashni has a balanced head on her shoulders and will also give back to the Community what it is giving her….we ensure that she remains humble… as Earl Nightingale said “”A great attitude is not the result of success; success is a result of a great attitude.”….Cheers Swaroop…at 29 you too have a good agitation in your thoughts…appreciate them !

  3. Lol after asking you for an apology for the Sangakkara post, its my turn!!

    My sincere apology for doubting your sporting acumen.

    Yes, appearances can be deceptive!
    I hope you continue playing Cricket/football & other ‘active’ sports currenly & not boring Golf (extremely challenging neverthless!)which most men of your age & stature do!!!
    I was not trying to say that Kunashini needs to be more ‘balanced’ (that would be choti mo badi baat!!) but trying to glean pearls of wisdom on parenting Kunashini & her brother into wonderful & talented individuals!
    Lastly & most importantly kindly personally convey my compliments to Kunashini, may our country be blessed with more of her ilk, provided we get our skewed sex ratio right!!

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