A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


April 27, 2012

Amused…Fake ‘West End’ Defence Deal gets a Bribery Conviction while in the Real ‘Bofors’ Deal the Corrupt get away !

Amused…Fake ‘WestEnd’ Defence Deal gets a Bribery Conviction while in the Real ‘Bofors’ Deal the Corrupt get away ! A Delhi Court today pronounced the Former BJP President ,Bangaru Laxman guilty for accepting a bribe of  Rs 100000 for a Fake ‘West End ‘Defence Deal…it was a Tehelka Sting Operation of 2001 by Aniruddha Bahal […]

Amused…Fake ‘West End’ Defence Deal gets a Bribery Conviction while in the Real ‘Bofors’ Deal the Corrupt get away ! Read More »

Overheard a Stock Market Conversation….”I’ve Lost Rs Two Lakhs in Stocks last year !”….”You’re lucky,I’ve drained Rs 10 lakhs !”

Overheard a Stock Market Conversation….”I’ve Lost Rs Two Lakhs in Stocks last year !”….”You’re lucky,I’ve drained Rs 10 lakhs !” Both uttered with Straight faces…no chuckle ! They say Fee Based Income in Capital Markets is safer and less riskier than Fund Based…of course it will be !…it’s those who you advise and transact for

Overheard a Stock Market Conversation….”I’ve Lost Rs Two Lakhs in Stocks last year !”….”You’re lucky,I’ve drained Rs 10 lakhs !” Read More »

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