A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Amused…Fake ‘West End’ Defence Deal gets a Bribery Conviction while in the Real ‘Bofors’ Deal the Corrupt get away !

Amused…Fake ‘WestEnd’ Defence Deal gets a Bribery Conviction while in the Real ‘Bofors’ Deal the Corrupt get away !

A Delhi Court today pronounced the Former BJP President ,Bangaru Laxman guilty for accepting a bribe of  Rs 100000 for a Fake ‘West End ‘Defence Deal…it was a Tehelka Sting Operation of 2001 by Aniruddha Bahal that exposed the murkiness in Indian Defence deals and the Bribery and Corruption involved….The Whole Defence Deal was  made up by the Tehelka team to sell Night Vision Binoculars to  the Indian Army…They created a fictitious British Company ‘West End International’ to expose the Defence Equipment Procurement Process and got Laxman accepting the Bribe on Camera

…while in the real ‘Bofors’ Deal,we have seen acquittals all the way and bank accounts being defrozen to facilitate overnight withdrawals of millions of dollars of commissions…check out Seema Mustafa’s column in today’s edition of DNA …interesting…wonder if the Investigation will be reopened  with the Swedish Investigating Officer Police Officer,Sten Lindstrom now revealing that Kickbacks were paid and that everybody was in the know but the Indians were unwilling to follow through fearlessly as powerful politicians and their friends and even a big NRI Indian Business Family were involved…Ottavio ‘Q’uattrocchi was allowed to leave India and it was ‘managed’ to acquit him with CBI stating it did not have evidence against him !

Now waiting to see what is the outcome of the ‘Tatra’ Truck Deal where retiring Army Chief V K Singh has accused a now retired General Tejinder Singh of visiting him and offering a bribe of  Rs 14 crs for allowing the deal to go through smoothly…another NRI, Ravi Rishi of Vectra was the facilitator for the Tatra Trucks…the deal actually did go through,although Army Chief,V K Singh refused the Bribe !…it is claimed the Tatra Trucks supplied are old models and not the latest

In the Meanwhile and predictably too the Congress and BJP continue to trade charges and question each others moral right to raise corruption issues !….sadly corruption issues will continue to be diverted and diluted

Mera Bharat Mahaan !


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