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A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”

Gaurav's Blog


May 30, 2014

A few agitated thoughts on India continuing to fight India !

A few agitated thoughts on India continuing to fight India ! What a disconnect ! BJP Sweeps a State in General Elections that continues to be governed by another Party   The Voters are the same…they voted BJP in resoundingly in UP in the recent General Elections ….they had voted Samajwadi Party in earlier years …

A few agitated thoughts on India continuing to fight India ! Read More »

Our New Indian PM does not have a Magic Wand ! Stock Markets typically will not believe this!

Our New Indian PM does not have a Magic Wand ! Stock Markets typically will not believe this!….and will tend to, and there is ample historic precedence and evidence of this, often run ahead of fundamentals in the coming months and years…especially the mid caps and small caps and low life caps !…yes you read …

Our New Indian PM does not have a Magic Wand ! Stock Markets typically will not believe this! Read More »

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