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A few agitated thoughts on India continuing to fight India !

A few agitated thoughts on India continuing to fight India !

What a disconnect ! BJP Sweeps a State in General Elections that continues to be governed by another Party  

The Voters are the same…they voted BJP in resoundingly in UP in the recent General Elections ….they had voted Samajwadi Party in earlier years in the State Elections

So we have a disconnect and inefficient governance in place…that’s our Election Structure…it needs to change…where a party has swept the State in General Elections and another party is in governance there,the latter should immediately resign and fresh State Elections should be called for immediately…otherwise this party will be allowed to govern the State for a full Five Years

But then what explains Delhi’s volte face by Voters…they voted strongly for the new AAP and Kejriwal in the State Elections held recently but thumped them in the General Elections voting in BJP Candidates in most seats

Those who argue that MPs and MLAs play different roles…hogwash !…both represent their constituencies and have to promote the constituencies interests at Centre & State respectively

States of J & K and UP  and even Tamil Nadu in dissent with the Centre

I’m agitated ,in particular, by the State & Centre Conflict intensifying in Jammu & Kashmir (National Conference on Sec 370 and their general Eid pardon to stone pelters) and Uttar Pradesh (Samajwadi Party and their insentiveness to Rape reoccurences & Law & Order &  false proclamations of being secular while perpetuating caste and religious divides ) …it’s the fiefdom and dynastic mindset that is raising it’s ugly head in these states…and some of the State CM Utterances and even actions of these two States border on ‘traitor territory’ and compromise our Democratic Nation’s interests…

…. how can the J & K CM say ” Either J & K will no longer be a part of India or Sec 370 will exist !”…there is a growing belief and in fact realisation that Sec 370 actually compromised J & K and India and not protected the State

... how can the UP CM and his earlier CM father responding to reporters questions on specific rape incidents  say ” These are Boys and Mistakes Happen ” & ” Are you affected ?”  ….Sad & Insensitive,Yes but Cruel too !….those in Badaun in UP who raped 14 & 15 year old Dalit Sisters and then brazenly hung them on trees to die are evil and not human…they need to be send to Hell right away….I’m not opening a debate on the Death Penalty here…you can define Hell the way you want….Quick Track Justice,preferably in Special Courts in the Centre ( as Criminals are brazen and bold because they are protected and patronised by State Politicians,many of who too have dangerous criminal records)   for all such gruesome crimes anywhere in the Country, for Death Penalty or Solitary confinement for life….to those Police responsible who did nothing to prevent this,in fact police personnel themselves were some of the rapists !…should not just be suspended but locked away for a long long time….and no bail to any defendant while the trial is on

Will not bring back the raped and killed young girls but India will get back it’s breath

….can understand  Tamil Nadu CM boycotting the PM and Ministers  Swearing in Ceremony in protest of the the invite extended and accepted by the Sri Lankan President but felt that she should have send a representative…after all Nation’s Interests have to be above those of the State in the larger scheme of things

…and Congress…Get Mature….and sideline sycophants

….an ex Sports Minister questioning a BJP Minister’s qualifications…has he ever played Sports at a top level ever?….A Degree does not ensure Capability !  ….& saying  Congress was not involved but SPG was in deciding Vadra’s Security Cover…& suspending and sidelining Party leaders for questioning the role of Party’s Central Leadership in the Election debacle ?…you want to make a political comeback then listen to your own party cadre from top to bottom

…and elected BJP…Think & Think again !

….can understand ‘No’ to 100% FDI in Multi Brand Retail and ‘Yes’ to FDI in Railways…but 100% FDI in Defence ?…no safeguard is foolproof and it opens the door to compromise nation’s security and even encourages crony capitalism and opportunism ….while you enjoy decisive Lok Sabha majority,do genuinely and sincerely debate,deliberate and discuss threadbare all pros and cons of such sensitive major issues that are game changers before you decide to go ahead or not…ally with but don’t bail out or develop another nation’s economy at the cost of our own !….applaud on Black Money initiatives but wondering aloud whether the investigation will also cover those reportedly close to you and expose them if found guilty…or am I being naive

Threat to further dilution of  Media credibility and independence   

….and a last thought …..India’s leading Industrial House announcing that it is scaling up it’s investment and control of  a leading Media Network….Dangerous….threat to maintaining credibility and independence of  this Media House…in fact dilutes it….Did I hear a  whack say “What credibility did this Media Network have anyway !”……These are Times when it’s going to heat up the Times v/s Others Scenario !…Interesting…you guys out there….don’t get unduly carried away or influenced and don’t believe all that you see or read in the Media…Our Media is awash with Compromises &  Vested Interests & Planted Stories

Hope better and rational and correct and selfless sense prevails in Nation’s interest  …Hope our new PM  successfully addresses all the above issues and is able to carry the Nation on his conviction and for whatever his NDA decides

…only then we can say that India is a truly Safe & Secular Democratic Nation

Have great Weekend !…and stop wondering why Subramaniam Swamy has not been made a Minister !…some consolation for Congress 🙂

Cheers !


2 thoughts on “A few agitated thoughts on India continuing to fight India !”

  1. Its not just TN CM opposed Modi on Lankan issue, that includes BJP allies DMDK,MDMK even though minor. DMK and AIADMK also opposed. Its the voice of a state and not just CM. Hope you don’t support/invite in name of national interest. Wrong action is always wrong, no matter who did that. Here after all our very next neighbor who is hardly 50 miles from border…..unnecessary Fishermen trouble, China issues all nonsense, ofcourse on National Interest.

    1. Gaurav Parikh

      Completely understand your sentiment Bharath…and also the anger and angst of those affected…it is a tough call….while I will not and cannot support any name calling and ridiculous extreme measures I hope India is able to address this burning issue successfully in the time to come and not shove it under the carpet or ignore it….Atrocities & Crimes in War or War like Scenarios have happened all around the World,be it in East Europe in recent years or in Japan during WW II and have caused deep anger and pain and anguish to those affected and strained relationships between countries despite apologies….taking up arms is not the solution….can wipe out many on both sides and perpetuate ethnic divide…..Nations need to accept the past humbly,express genuine remorse for it and live a path of peace for years to come…easier said than done though as the anger runs deep in the people and gives rise to firebrand political leaders who stoke the flames to keep the issue burning …the people need to be convinced first that peace is the only way forward…never war

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