A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Gremach & Austral taking Investors for a ride says Gujarat NRE Coke

Is the Pot Calling the Kettle Black !?

Giridharilal Jagatramka of Gujarat NRE Coke has accused Son In Law, Ratan Lal Tamakhuwala of Gremach and Austral (Currenly IPO is Open) of misstatements in the Prospectus of Austral and misusing the Name of Gujarat NRE to promote the IPO of Austral….Main accusations are that the Capacity of Austral is falsely stated at 3.75 lakh tpa of Low Ash Metallurgical Coke (LAMC).Austral operates only two chimneys and has a capacity of just 70000 tpa

Furthermore the Prospectus claims that the promoters of Austral were the original Promoters of Gujarat NRE Coke without disclosing that in 1997 they were expelled from the Company for fradulent practises

SEBI should have written to Gujarat NRE Coke for verification of this before clearing the Austral Prospectus

You can read about all of this in today’s edition of Business Standard at


Let me jog your memory a little…….Jagatramkas also owned FCGL Industries Ltd,a BSE Listed Investment and Finance Company…In May 2006 they merged this company with their flagship Gujarat NRE Coke  with retrospective effect from October 2004…..It was a well known fact on the Street that FCGL played around plenty in trading shares of Gujarat NRE Coke on the BSE…Infact it’s 2005/6 quarterlies show huge sales of Gujarat NRE Coke and huge profits on account of this……this raises strong suspicion of continuous  ongoing and  blatant insider trading in both the counters of FCGL and Gujarat NRE Coke

So is the Pot calling the kettle Black ?…where does it leave Investors ? should one be invested in Gremach,Austral and Gujarat NRE Coke where family fueds are destroying the companies progress…notwithstanding that LAMC is in great demand ?  

SEBI’s responsibilty for Investor Protection clearly is onerous when it has to conduct due diligence when vetting the Prospectus   


1 thought on “Gremach & Austral taking Investors for a ride says Gujarat NRE Coke”

  1. Pingback: Gaurav’s Blog » Blog Archive » SEBI bans Austral Coke from raising Capital…was it sleeping when it allowed it to raise Capital through an IPO last year !?

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