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Lovely Wednesday Novena Sermon at St Michael Church Mahim

Mahim Novena

Keeping the Faith

Accompanied by my Loving Wife,we attended the 5 pm Lovely Wednesday Novena Sermon at St Michael Church Mahim yesterday

We do the first Nine Novena Wednesdays in the Year but were forced to skip a few due to emergency medical exigencies in the family

The Priest was in his element reminding us that during these 40 days of Lent it is a good time for :

REALISATION ~ An Easy way to realise is to do so through Acronym START ~ S-Stop making Excuses T-Take Inventory of your Life A – Act R-Refocus Energies T- Trust in the Lord

REPENTENCE ~ this is not just to feel sorry for your actions but to actually change for the better

RENEWAL ~ Renew your Vows with God~ like the young child who’s grandfather  makes him do repeated  errands to fill water in a cane basket but each time he comes back empty as the water drains out….grandfather reveal to the child that you were concentrating on the water rather than the basket….see how everytime the water had cleansed the basket ….likewise everytime you confess to God for your actions and beg forgiveness,more you will feel cleansed

Prayed for All Family & Friends & Self  for Contentment & Good Health & Feeling Safe & having the Strength to overcome any Strife



2 thoughts on “Lovely Wednesday Novena Sermon at St Michael Church Mahim”

  1. Pratheesh menon

    Thanks Sir for the prayer, popularly known as Mahim Church, this blog took back my memories to my childhood days in Bombay Vashi , where me and my mother use to occasionally attend Wednesday evening mass of six o clock and Tuesday going to Siddhi Vinayak Mandir for worshipping Lord Ganesha. Wednesday is good day to visit Mahim Church and Tuesday is good day to visit Siddhivinayak Mandir ~ moreover Wednesday is my date of birth ~ both are nearby places Dadar and Mahim ~ Wednesday mass of mahim church is so famous that people from all faith will come on that day to attend mass ~ I think in India there will be no other church other than Mahim Church which conducts 16 mass from morning six o clock to night 9.30 pm and that too in different languages on a single day (only Wednesday). Every year in those days, I use to take New Year resolution, that this yr. I will visit Mahim Church on nine consecutive Wednesday as there is a popular belief that wishes will come true if we visit Mahim Church on nine consecutive Wednesday, but I was never able to fulfill this resolution due to some or other engagements. Recently when I came to attend your workshop in Bombay, I was fortunate to visit Mahim Church, Kochu Guruvayoor Temple in Matunga, Siddhi Vinayak temple in Dadar and Lord Ayyappa temple in Vashi. In these entire divine places, we get one more reason to smile, have peace and have faith in God. Thank God for blessing us & giving us this wonderful life.

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