A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


President Obama aggressively plugs US Business and Exports while addressing Indian businessmen…..

Under severe criticism and pressure at home,US President Obama may have just addressed Indian businessmen at Hotel Trident in Mumbai this evening,but his words and rhetorics are actually meant for Americans back home !

….He is simply plugging Amercian Business and Exports…just like Bill Gates did for his Microsoft when he visited India a few years ago…..clearly shows that USA desperately needs to export and invest in India for economic survival….they want to participate and benefit from our inevitable growth

…..has announced 20 deals for US $ 10 billion that will create 50000 jobs in USA….all USA services,products coming into India…….these would really have happened anyway ,without Obama plugging for them !

…..just a loose assurance,non committal in terms of specifics, on opening out USA to Indian Exports !….but wants India to lower trade barriers

…..just hope India is not bullied to sell out….USA needs us…..and we need them too as we grow…..we need to bargain hard for USA to remove restrictions and barriers for India to do business in USA 

….more importantly India should not compromise it’s political,social,scientific and economic integrity simply to further US Interests…….we need to safeguard our interests too…..more importantly those of our 1.2 billion people of which 350 million comprise a juicy middle class market ….this is our asset……USA is eyeing it aggressively….. in this context  I’m  little worried at the views just coming forth by Indian business men and women on Obama’s speech just now……. that Obama’s speech was warm and positive and quite forthcoming on mutual benefits to both USA and India…they are purely licking their lips in anticipation of business opportunities and profits….good in itself …but not at the cost of any compromise or expediencies by India

….hope India and USA can genuinely carve out a Win Win situation as Obama asserts it will in his speech…but I yet retain that impression that while the speech was addressed to Indian businessmen it was clearly aimed for back home for the Amercian audience…..he simply kept plugging US Business aggressively with some public posturing on creating more jobs in USA on the Deals with India

Cheers ! 




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