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FIFA World Cup 2010 Final is Spain v/s Netherlands

Don’t Care who wins the FIFA 2010 World Cup Finals tonight as long as it’s Spain ! Viva Espana !

Don’t care who wins the FIFA 2010 World Cup Finals tonight as long as it’s SPAIN ! Come on David Villa,get the Golden Boot ! Viva Espana ! Refreshing Memories…remembering this Spanish Classic Remember this…Sing it out Loud tonight as the Spanish Armada sink the Dutch Defence! Y VIVA ESPAÑA (Eddie Seago / Leo Caerts) …

Don’t Care who wins the FIFA 2010 World Cup Finals tonight as long as it’s Spain ! Viva Espana ! Read More »

It’s SPAIN !….just beat Germany 1-0 in the FIFA Semis to meet Netherlands in the Final…Paul, the Octopus in Germany to be eaten for once again predicting the Winner correctly !

The Germans are surely going to eat Paul,their Octopus today !…What an irony ! Their Octopus has always picked the Winner correctly and it  had picked Spain for today’s Semi-Finals v/s Germany !…It predicted right yet again !….and poor Paul is going to die for being right! as the Germans have said they will eat the Octopus …

It’s SPAIN !….just beat Germany 1-0 in the FIFA Semis to meet Netherlands in the Final…Paul, the Octopus in Germany to be eaten for once again predicting the Winner correctly ! Read More »

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