This Guy’s going to leave it all at 33 !

Over a fabulous Broccoli Soup and Brucheta for Lunch called in from“Mocambo” near my office in the Fountain Area in Mumbai I met a young 33 year old expert on Transfer Pricing and one of the youngest partners in a  leading Chartered Accountancy Firm……NM wanted to meet for an hour to discuss Investment In Stocks when he goes on a sabbatical later this year to discover his Inner Self and what Life is all about !…This Guy is out to prove Somerset Maugham was on the right track when he wrote “The Lotus Eater” 

While the Sensex gained over 500 points we gained insight into each other from 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm!…both cancelling or deferring afternoon meetings…so intense were we in discussing Edward Bono and J K Rowling’s address to Harvard Graduates this year (Check it  out on a Page on this blog) that our Lunch trays were cleared only at 4.30 pm 

He insisted we meet in my office as we both are avid readers and he was keen to check out my books…I told him that my family has banned me from visting “Crossword” ! as I land up buying 20 to 30 books (Mostly on Finance,Food and “F”ilosophy ) after browsing there for two to three hours on some Sundays ! and moreover take names of titles to buy later from “Strand” which always gives a minimum discount of 20% !

Hey NM look forward to our next meeting….when Bill Gates and Warren Buffett met for the first time they had planned only a half hour meeting but landed spending the day together and forged a lifetime friendship !……we’re not them but I’m sure you get the point !


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