A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


What an Amusing Paradox ~ the Indian Government is feeding the Poor with One Hand and the Foreigner with another !

It was a day that Supreme Court livened up by paving the way for Dance Bars to be reopened in Mumbai !

What an Amusing Paradox ~ the Indian Government is feeding the Poor with One Hand and the Foreigner with another !

The Government just passed a Food Security Ordinance that will cost Rs 124000 crs every year ,that’s US $ 21 billion ~ and the government says this will benefit 85 crore of the 120 crore Indian Population

And today it has been forced to enhance and open out Foreign Direct Investment Caps  in many sectors ~ Just a matter of coincidence that last year the FDI Flow was just @ US $ 20 billion

Sad ! ~Our Weakening Rupee is weakening us ~ Why should it be weakened in the first place !

Sad !  ~that a Nation that’s boasts Advances in Nuclear,Space,IT Services and even the White and Green Revolutions in Agriculture has been bullied and blackmailed and is forced to go down on it’s knees to play servile to overseas influences with vested Indian Interests

There is simply a terrible and deliberate Bad Governance and Policy Paralysis  on Serious and destabilising Issues of  Economy,Security and Social  Matters

This is a Government for the Rich,by the Rich and of the Rich ! ~ Crony Capitalism and Corruption at it’s best or worst ! ~ it clears Jet-Etihad Deal in days but in so many years it cannot fathom out effective measures and decisions on how to control spiralling Food Inflation that affects 120 crore Indians .It has failed on all fronts except raising the levels of Corruptions so that now every Indian knows there are seven ‘Zeroes’ in One Crore and ten ‘Zeroes’ in Thousand Crores and twelve ‘Zeroes’ in One lakh Crores !

And 120 crore Indians are literally paying the price ! ~ Retail Inflation Fangs have been out for years now biting into  us ~ My Wife asserts it’s cheaper me to work from Home ! ~ I tell her let Petrol cross Rs 100 per litre first !

Ironically to protect our asset values we have to consider US $ Investments ! ~ and even Gold ! ~ but the Government urges us not to buy Gold so that India can reduce it’s Current Deficit !

And any Indian with any self pride,self dignity and self esteem and a true patriot to boot cannot  help but lose his or her mind and get bitterly angry at the stupid Government idiots who keep parading on TV News & Business Channels raising their voices,and not their arguments,  and getting personal with the opposition and trying to defend the Government

I actually switch off the TV rather than have my senses be assaulted repeatedly by such ignoramuses

We need a strong,decisive and alternative leadership ~which is responsible,selfless,honest,accountable,answerable and transparent to the Indian People ~ not an Indian Government  that hides condescendingly and shamelessly behind secret agreements with the FBI in USA and the Swiss Government for Non Disclosures on matters of Indian Security and Monies stashed overseas !  ~ and even allows ‘Q’ to die away from India ~ It’s humiliating !

Now with the Dance Bars set to reopen in Mumbai with the Supreme Court upholding the Bombay High Court decision that it is unconstitutional not to allow practice of one’s profession in Democratic India,you’ll surely find some power swishing and doling away notes on the dancers

As the Sen-Sex dances above in Jeejeebhoy Towers,the Bar Girls will be dancing below ! ~though many Share Brokers who are known to patronise such bars and even strike stock manipulation deals in them may find it difficult to swish the higher denomination Rs 500 and Rs 1000 wads !

Welcome to Mumbai’s remerging underbelly NightLife that will satisfy your basic instincts !

I think tomorrow the Sensex will go up ~ not because  of the Government enhancing FDI  Caps in many sectors but in saluting  the Supreme Court in paving the way for Dance Bars to reopen in Mumbai again !

Topaz ,I think it will reopen ,maybe in another avtaar !




2 thoughts on “What an Amusing Paradox ~ the Indian Government is feeding the Poor with One Hand and the Foreigner with another !”

  1. Yes, Gaurav you are correct about this. I hate when we talk about our country’s politics & sometimes also think that in this ig world why are we struck up here?

    Keep Bloging Man.

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