A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


Your Family is being Dictated by Another that’s Living with you !

There’s another Family that’s Living with you and dictating your Life…Your eFamily

TV is the Husband & Father…..Computer is the Wife and Mother…..CellPhone is the Elder Child……and the IPod is the younger sibling

And they’re all dictating your Life

…..your upbringing is full of moral convictions,no expletives and curses,ban or restrictions  on alcohol and tobacco and total taboo on drugs and sex talk and viewing

….and these Conflict with this Other eFamily…..this virtual world that you’re living in with this Electronic Family of yours is influencing you 24*7….It pays scant respect to your morals…and brings alive all taboos as if to say ” Wake Up and Smell the Shoe!…this is Real Life !”….You have begun to question the Distinction between Good and Bad….this has become blurred from a simple ‘Black and White’ to Grey

…..the saving grace is that your eFamily transports you,often live, to Nature and Sporting Events and Global News…enhancing your knowledge on Politics,Current Affairs,Arts & Culture,Literature, History,Geography and the Sciences and a host of other Areas

……sadly it’s also loudly ‘sssshushing’ Family Life….how often does the Father or Mother move away to another room because the children are glued to ‘Friends’….each Family member has individually different Meal times….the Mother is glued to Daily Soaps,hurled upon your senses one after the other over various channels….the Father has to beg to watch the News or a Business Channel  

A Reflection of the Times we live in…and 3G will bring in full convergence….your mobile will become your TV,your Computer and your Internet Browser…. in effect it will be all your senses !…so in a sense you will become senseless! 

In a way you can say that the Family is on the Move !

Your parents were brought up by their parents but you are being brought up by your eFamily !…the Role of Instructors has shifted from Parents to the eFamily….often you will find it rebukes the values of your parents,scoffs at their traditional views,seduces you with blatantly suggestive ideas that would embarrass moralities 

Your Family has become Strangers…and your eFamily has become Family !

Welcome to the 21st Century….Welcome back to Slavery !….the only difference being that  Humans are increasingly in bondage with Non Humans !…the Paradox or Irony is that we cannot Live without being such Slaves !

And if you wish to go back to Nature…smell the grass,breathe some Fresh Air and sense the Sea….your Screen will transport you to this Virtual Bliss ! 

Cheers !   

…and you can call me eGaurav !


2 thoughts on “Your Family is being Dictated by Another that’s Living with you !”

  1. Hi eGaurav,
    It seems that the electronic world has helped you find some old friends…I do not see any benefit in fighting and blaming technology in our lives. But it is up to us to harness the technology and retain basic family values and cultures in our daily lives. There is a simple button on every device that once pressed will restore the family of old for as long as one wants it.
    Navigate thru the technology jungle and you will harness its best fruits for life.

  2. Gaurav Parikh

    Hey Krish…as always…wise and witty….Cheers…great to reconnect with you…the truth is that this blog too goes out because of technology…point is,as you put it,make technology your friend…my point is don’t get addicted to it,lest you lead a robotic existence…Cheers

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