A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”


May 19, 2010

‘Tainted’ Telecom Minister A Raja ! ? The Conviction grows stronger…for his deliberately ‘gifting’ the 2G Licenses on a First Come First basis for just Rs 1000+ crs when the current auction of 3G Licenses has fetched over Rs 16000 crs!

In November 2008,I had covered in two blogs,what our Telecom Minister,A Raja had blatantly done….he had gifted 2G Licenses to vested interests at a pittance…just over Rs 1000 crs,when he could have got ten times more for the Government Today, after a 34 days auction process it has been announced that the 3G Licenses auction has […]

‘Tainted’ Telecom Minister A Raja ! ? The Conviction grows stronger…for his deliberately ‘gifting’ the 2G Licenses on a First Come First basis for just Rs 1000+ crs when the current auction of 3G Licenses has fetched over Rs 16000 crs! Read More »

India reflect Global Blues and Cues as Stock Indices drop a little under 3% today…confirm your Asset Allocation matches your Risk Profile…you’ll sleep sounder

Sensex just closed down 460.03 points (2.72 %)  at 16415.76 and Nifty dropped to 4921.40,down 144.80 points (2.86%) reflecting Global Blues and cues…..Volumes were relatively high and this does not augur too well for the immediate short term…tomorrow’s opening may just be weak too There was red ink all over,with just a few specific stocks

India reflect Global Blues and Cues as Stock Indices drop a little under 3% today…confirm your Asset Allocation matches your Risk Profile…you’ll sleep sounder Read More »

Tayals of Bank of Rajasthan are having their Cake and eating it too in the Amalgamation with ICICI Bank!

Ostensilbly under great pressure to vacate the banking field,the Tayals of Bank of Rajasthan are having their Cake at eating it too! The Board of Directors of the Bank at their meeting yesterday have given an in-principle approval to amalgamate the Bank with ICICI Bank The important issue here was what would the swap ratio be….Mrs

Tayals of Bank of Rajasthan are having their Cake and eating it too in the Amalgamation with ICICI Bank! Read More »

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