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A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”

Gaurav's Blog


June 2, 2009

Just caught an irrational Equity Advisor ,who also suffers from bouts of verbal diarrhoea, on TV advising to buy Reliance and Larsen for short term and not for one year !…His Logic ,or rather the lack of it ! got me ! !

There are two types of Advisors… Those who honestly will say they don’t know when they don’t and Those who Don’t Know but Don’t Know that they Don’t Know !   Problem is that this Guy falls in the latter category and to boost he also suffers from verbal diarrhoea This Guy takes the Cake …

Just caught an irrational Equity Advisor ,who also suffers from bouts of verbal diarrhoea, on TV advising to buy Reliance and Larsen for short term and not for one year !…His Logic ,or rather the lack of it ! got me ! ! Read More »

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