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A Lion’s eye on the Bulls and Bears

“In India, companies may fall sick, but promoters rarely do!”

Gaurav's Blog


June 1, 2009

Thanks Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh !….Bengaluru Equity Workshop Concludes Well

Returned late night from Bengaluru at 1 am in the morning as Flight was delayed after delivering a two day Equity Workshop at the weekend…the  eight in a series for a Broking House…It was pouring as we drove to the New Airport,50 + kms away from the City…but we had a Mad Max Driver who drove as if …

Thanks Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh !….Bengaluru Equity Workshop Concludes Well Read More »

E ! God…Does this Advice make any sense !..Buy at 677 with Target at 550… or…. Buy at 136 with target at 126 !

Just happened to glance at a latest report that advised several midcap recommendations…It’s from  a leading Broking House  ( Yes,it had an IPO in 2007 and is listed ) Sample this…… Buy Rallis at Rs 677 with a Target Price of Rs 550 ! or Buy Sterlite Technologies at Rs 136 with a Target Price of Rs …

E ! God…Does this Advice make any sense !..Buy at 677 with Target at 550… or…. Buy at 136 with target at 126 ! Read More »

Indians being targeted in Australia….Racism ? Economics ! ?

I daresay,with India growing at 6% + while the world’s leading economies are in recession,there is a growing ‘Protectionist’ sentiment led by even USA’s President Obama,who cries “Buy American!” In this context, the growing incidents of Indians being physically assaulted in Australia is more a ‘giving vent’ by a few misguided Australians to an increasing  frustrated …

Indians being targeted in Australia….Racism ? Economics ! ? Read More »

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